Basic Field of Interest


The cities occupy a crucial role in daily living practices as areas where economical relations are established and organized , and where social culture is being produced. While economical profitability is dependent upon spatial fluidity, functionality and facilities offered by the cities, cultural structure, which is the inevitable imperative for social re-production, is realized through those experiences attained over urban space. In this respect, to the extent that cities can provide for facilities as places of economical and social communication, sound and successful processes can be attained along the line of development extending from the individual to the society. Searches for reaching livable environments undoubtedly do not interfere with organization of merely the built environment. The naturality of the relations between the natural and urban environments bears important connections with the harmony between man and nature.

The Department of City and Regional Planning deals with the city as the re-production area social and economical processes and the organization of urban spaces. This area of interest comprises the relations between nature and built environments. In national, regional, urban and sub-urban regions, planning should be able to create not only such spatial organizations that can maximize economical profitability, but also such spatial opportunities where the society can express and re-produce its cultural identity.









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